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Floods on the river Schwarze Elster (Germany) 2010
undefinedOn September 30, 2010, heavy rainfall caused a dam to breach on the river Schwarze Elster near the village of Meuselko in the Wittenberg district of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. As a result of this fields and forests were flooded. The water threatened to destabilize other dykes in the region. ZKI provides Reference and Flood Maps in the framework of the GMES Emergency Response project SAFER with funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme.
Germany - Schwarze Elster - P08 - Disaster Extent Map - Elsterwerda - Detail - 3K camera
Creation Date 23. December 2010
Germany - Schwarze Elster - P07 - Disaster Extent Map - Herzberg - Detail - 3K camera
Creation Date 23. December 2010
Germany - Schwarze Elster - P06 - Disaster Extent Map - Klossa - Detail - 3K camera
Creation Date 23. December 2010
Germany - Schwarze Elster - P05 - Disaster Extent Map - Overview - 3K camera
Creation Date 23. December 2010
Germany - Schwarze Elster - P04 - Flood as of October 04, 2010 - Disaster Extent Map - Detail (East)
Creation Date 08. October 2010
Germany - Schwarze Elster - P03 - Flood as of October 04, 2010 - Disaster Extent Map - Detail (West)
Creation Date 08. October 2010
Germany - Schwarze Elster - P01 - Flood as of October 04, 2010 - Disaster Extent Map - Detail (West)
Creation Date 06. October 2010
Germany - Schwarze Elster - P02 - Flood as of October 04, 2010 - Disaster Extent Map - Detail (East)
Creation Date 06. October 2010
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