16. September 2024

Flooding in East and Central Europe

Flooding in Poland.

A so-called Vb weather condition with extensive amounts of rain has been causing high water and flooding in parts of Europe since 12 September 2024. Austria, the Czech Republic and southern Poland are the countries most affected by the rainfall.

Mapping and Data

The ZKI supports the work of authorities and humanitarian aid organisations with various satellite data analyses as part of research projects. To derive the water surfaces, flood masks were derived over a large area from Sentinel-1 images using automated flood processors at DLR (see raster files for download below), calculated to the best of our knowledge and belief and within a very short time frame with the available material. Addtionally, maps of selected areas of interest are provided.

Satellite Data

Various satellite data were used to derive the water surfaces. Large-scale flood masks were derived from Sentinel-1 images using automated flood processors at DLR (raster files available for download below), calculated to the best of our knowledge and within a very short time frame with the available material.

For more detailed analyses, high-resolution satellite data, such as Umbra radar data and optical data, was also provided by European Space Imaging as part of the IFAS project. Flood areas were also derived from this for individual hot spots.


South West Poland - Flooding – P08 - Water masks acquired on 20.09.2024

Creation Date 20. September 2024

Poland - Dychów - Extent of damage and before and after comparison as of 5th of August 2022 and 18th of September 2024 - P07

Creation Date 19. September 2024

Germany - Dresden - Extent of damage and before and after comparison as of 6th of September 2022 and 18th of September 2024 - P06

Creation Date 19. September 2024

Germany – Dresden – Flooding – P05 – Water masks aquired on 16.09.2024

Creation Date 18. September 2024

Germany - Dresden - Flood extent - P04 - Situation map as of 16th September 2024

Creation Date 17. September 2024

(Lower) Austria - Flooding - P03 - Water masks aquired on 16.09.2024

Creation Date 17. September 2024

Central Europe (Czech Republic, Poland) - Flooding – P02 - Water masks acquired on 15.09.2024

Creation Date 16. September 2024

Central Europe (Austria, Slovacia) - Flooding – P01 - Water masks acquired on 15.09.2024

Creation Date 16. September 2024