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Famine in East Africa
undefinedEast Africa was hit by the worst famine in more than 60 years, affecting about 3.7 Million people in Somalia alone. Due to the instable political situation in the country, the distribution of relief goods was immensely hampered. As a result thousands of people were fleeing from famine and violence to neighbouring countries, such as the Dolo Ado region of Ethiopia, which sheltered already about 120,000 people in developing refugee camps. To support the aid work of the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) the ZKI produced maps of the Dolo Ado region showing the refugee camps along the Genale river between Dolo Ado and Bokol Mayo in Ethiopia. ZKI provided maps of the Dolo Ado region in the framework of GMES Emergency Response project SAFER with funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme.
Somalia - P32 - Jowhar - Refugee / IDP Camp - Location Mapping - Sheet 2
Creation Date 23. March 2012
Somalia - P31 - Jowhar - Refugee / IDP Camp - Location Mapping - Sheet 1
Creation Date 23. March 2012
Somalia - P30 - Jowhar - Refugee / IDP Camp - Situation Analysis - Population change
Creation Date 23. March 2012
Somalia - P29 - Jowhar - Refugee / IDP Camp - Situation Analysis - Land use change assessment
Creation Date 23. March 2012
Ethopia - P27 - Adimazin - Refugee/IDP Camp Map - Land Use - Detail
Creation Date 23. January 2012
Ethopia - P26 - Adimazin - Refugee/IDP Camp Map - Detail
Creation Date 23. January 2012
Ethopia - P25 - Sherkole - Refugee/IDP Camp Map - Land Use - Detail
Creation Date 23. January 2012
Ethopia - P24 - Sherkole - Refugee/IDP Camp Map - Detail
Creation Date 23. January 2012
Somalia - P28 - Jowhar - Refugee/IDP Camp Map - Detail
Creation Date 23. November 2011
Somalia - P23 - Baardheere - Refugee/IDP Camp Map - Detail - Sheet 2
Creation Date 06. October 2011
Somalia - P22 - Baardheere - Refugee/IDP Camp Map - Detail - Sheet 1
Creation Date 06. October 2011
Somalia - P21 - Huddur - Geographic Reference Map - Detail
Creation Date 21. September 2011
Ethopia - P20 - Buramino - Refugee Camp Map - Detail
Creation Date 01. September 2011
Ethopia - P18 - Melkadida - Refugee Camp Map - Detail
Creation Date 31. August 2011
Ethopia - P17 - Kobe - Refugee Camp Map - Detail
Creation Date 31. August 2011
Ethopia - P16 - Dolo Ado - Refugee Camp Map - Detail
Creation Date 31. August 2011
Ethopia - P15 - Kobe - Refugee Camp Map - Detail
Creation Date 31. August 2011
Somalia - P12 - Luuq - Geographic Reference Map - Detail
Creation Date 31. August 2011
Somalia - P11 - Waajid - Geographic Reference Map - Detail
Creation Date 31. August 2011
Ethopia - P10 - Melkadida - Refugee Camp Map - Detail
Creation Date 31. August 2011
Ethopia - P08 - Haloweyn / Buramino - Refugee Camp Map - Detail
Creation Date 31. August 2011
Ethopia - P07 - Kobe - Refugee Camp Map - Detail
Creation Date 31. August 2011
Ethopia - P19 - Bokolmanyo - Refugee Camp Map - Detail
Creation Date 25. August 2011
Ethopia - P14 - Bokolmanyo - Refugee Camp Map - Detail
Creation Date 04. August 2011
Somalia - P13 - Garbahaarrey - Geographic Reference Map - Detail
Creation Date 04. August 2011
Ethopia - P09 - Dolo Ado - Refugee Camp Map - Detail
Creation Date 04. August 2011
Ethopia - P05 - Dolo Ado Region - Refugee Camp Map - Overview
Creation Date 02. August 2011
Ethopia - P06 - Melkadida - Refugee Camp Map - Detail
Creation Date 01. August 2011
Ethopia - P04 - Dolo Ado Region - Geographic Reference Map - Overview - Sheet 2
Creation Date 28. July 2011
Ethopia - P03 - Dolo Ado Region - Geographic Reference Map - Overview - Sheet 1
Creation Date 28. July 2011
Sudan - P02 - Juba - UNMIS Camp near Juba - Detail Map
Creation Date 09. June 2011
Sudan - P01 - Juba - Detail Map
Creation Date 09. June 2011
Further links